A New Name for a New Season

As many of you know, Catalyst Theatre is undergoing a fundamental change to become an independent nonprofit theatre company. This is an exciting chapter in our history, and through this time we are examining every part of who we are and what God has called us to…

…including something we never thought we would change – our name.

Our name has embodied our mission to bring change in people’s lives through theatre – change for our audiences to consider Jesus and who He is in their lives, and change for those that join us as cast or crew to become more committed to God’s call on their lives to use the gifts He gave them to reach others for Christ.

After much prayer and discussion and consideration and consultation…and then more (and more!) prayer, we have chosen a new name for a new season, a name with just as much meaning, maybe more:

Sycamore Tree Theatre

You may be asking, “Why that name?” Well, it starts with a song and a story.

For any of you who went to Sunday School as a child, you’ll probably recognize this little song:

“Zacchaeus was a wee little man,
and a wee little man was he.
He climbed up in a Sycamore tree
for the Lord he wanted to see…”

And you probably remember the Biblical story on which it is based. At a recent memorial service for a dear friend, a pastor gave a message about that story. He said everyone is one of two characters in that story. Either they are Zacchaeus – trying to make our way through life, desperately needing an encounter with Jesus. Or they are supposed to be… the tree. We’re to be the thing that helps people SEE Jesus. To help them get above the crowdedness and the chaos of life to finally get a clear look at Jesus for themselves. And by doing that, we get to be a part of getting them in a place where they can have their lives changed by Him.

This is precisely the mission we would like to pursue as a theatre company. We believe the name SYCAMORE TREE THEATRE represents what we want to be. We want to be “the sycamore tree” in the lives of people who experience our productions in one way or another. We want to be “the thing that helps people SEE Jesus”.

Please understand that there was nothing whatever wrong with the name CATALYST THEATRE. You all know that Catalyst has a long and storied history with many great successes along the way. Giving up the name was a wrenching decision. However, we began to consider that, with our company’s new direction as an independent, non-affiliated theatre company, perhaps this was also the right time to change our name. A new name for a new season.

We will always recognize CATALYST THEATRE as our deep, strong roots, but now we move forward as a new company with a new name which will continue to be a constant reminder of who we are, and what we strive to be: SYCAMORE TREE THEATRE.

Blessings to you all!
David and the board of Sycamore Tree Theatre

PS. Besides the symbolism in the story of Zacchaeus, here are some other facts about Sycamore trees:

  • They are hardy and have deep, strong roots. They are firmly planted and not easily blown down. This is a good description of us, as well as a good objective for us.
  • They are often planted in urban areas because of their ability to tolerate air pollution and provide shade. Think about the symbolism of that one.
  • Because of a story from the Revolutionary War, the Sycamore tree in America has become a symbol of protection, strength…and HOPE! This symbolism was reinforced during 9/11 when a giant Sycamore tree, blown down itself by the falling of one of the towers, nevertheless shielded St. Paul’s Chapel from falling debris.
  • Throughout history, along with hope, protection and strength, the Sycamore tree has also symbolized eternity and divinity.