Welcome to Sycamore Tree Theatre (Fall 2023)

Sycamore Tree Theatre provides quality theatrical entertainment by telling stories of faith, hope, and love as we build an artistic community that gives opportunities to grow in creativity and craft.

A Light in the Attic coming this Fall!

We are excited to present A Light in the Attic at CrossPointe Church in Bothell this November.

A Light in the Attic presents a fun holiday musical for the whole family. It’s a wonderful musical production from writer / director Tom Diffee and composer / orchestrator Steve Richards, who also collaborated on Unto the Hills and Katie’s Hope.

Set in two time periods a hundred or so years apart, A Light in the Attic tells a story of dealing with uncertainty in a changing world. In the present day, Jeff Williams is dealing with being laid off due to changing requirements when he stumbles on an old diary in his attic written by his great grandfather John MacFie. As it turns out, John is going through a crisis of his own as he has to figure out how to raise money to keep his company going without laying people off.

Set in 1899 with rich Victorian-era costumes and sets and all the music of that era, A Light in the Attic is a fun but thoughtful look at what happens when we are faced with changing times.

All performances will be offered at CrossPointe Church in Bothell, Washington.

ThursdayNovember 167:00 pm
FridayNovember 177:30 pm
SaturdayNovember 187:30 pm
SundayNovember 192:30 pm
SundayNovember 197:00 pm

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Sycamore Tree Theatre is made up of volunteers from all over the Puget Sound region. We are based in the Bothell/Woodinville area about 30 minutes from Seattle.